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5 post(s) in News
Musee Rodin Li Xin’s paintings being mounted
Oooooooondes, eight pieces of Li Xin’s most recent series, were sent to Musee Rodin in Paris as part of its permanent exhibits. They will soon be open to the public. In this museum are also collected and displayed Rodin’s momentous works, like The Gates of Hell, The Kiss, The thinker, as well as those by such ...
Exhibition Information Musée Guimet, Paris
2015.1.21, 辰申⺒未午 in the permanent collection of musée Guimet can be seen by visitors. With his explorations and practices in art, Li Xin’s works gained recognition by another national art institution in Europe.
The remarkable 1,300 cm long ink painting 2015.1.21, 辰申⺒未午 joins the extraordinary ancient Asian art collection of musée Guimet. Using traditional materials to ...
Musee Himalaya Exhibition Information
Li Xin's ink works are part of "Still, Waters Run Deep", a group exhibition at the Himalayan Museum of Art in Shanghai. 2014. 3. 25, "West" 2014. 3. 25, "Noon" 2014. 3. 26, "Noon", single size 338cm x 143cm, ink on rice paper
C’est la première fois j’ai touché la céramique, quand je suis devant une plaque blache, je trouve c’est déja parfaitement très beau, il y a plien d’imagenation et l’énergie à l’interieure de la plaque vierge, comment rajouter seulement qulque gramme de pigemnent pour représenter la setiment d’aujourd’hui?D’abord, j’espère mon création ne sera pas porter trop ...
2017 Information Expo Musee des beaux-arts de lyon
Li Xin has a solo exhibition at the Musée de Lyon in France, Lagunes, which presents a comprehensive overview of Li Xin's work in painting and ceramics over the past five years.