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5 post(s) from Lixin
Li Xin, the ebb and flow of paint New
Philippe Piguet
« The subject is you, your impressions, your emotions towards nature. You have to look within yourself not around you. » These words were written by Delacroix in his Journal. Words that particularly resonate when one gazes at Li Xin’s work. They invite us to take stock of the infinite space that the artist wishes to ...
The Danaid Salon at the Rodin Museum
The Danaid Salon at the Rodin Museum
Henry-Claude Cousseau
It’s indeed more than appropriate to have Li Xin, the Chinese “Painter of Water”, assigned to decorate the salon on the southern side of the Hôtel Biron’s ground floor. The oval space takes its name from the presence of Danaid (1885), a piece of sculpture by Auguste Rodin ...
If the Ether will never die——Li Xin’s “éther durée space”
By LIN Yunke
In 1887, Albert A. Michelson, who later became the first American to win the Nobel Prize in the sciences, joined Edward W. Morley to design one of the most exquisite experiments in the history of physics. They were trying to save a soon-to-extinct concept of medium: Ether (also known as “luminiferous aether”), an ...
Musee Rodin Li Xin’s paintings being mounted
Oooooooondes, eight pieces of Li Xin’s most recent series, were sent to Musee Rodin in Paris as part of its permanent exhibits. They will soon be open to the public. In this museum are also collected and displayed Rodin’s momentous works, like The Gates of Hell, The Kiss, The thinker, as well as those by such ...
Dans un monde où les conflits continuent de faire rage, la résonance du cœur humain est-elle encore possible ?
À l'ère de l'explosion de l'information sur Internet, le silence est-il devenu un luxe ?
Dans le contexte de la pandémie de COVID-19, nous sommes si isolés les uns des autres que le désir de parler à Dieu ...